Being a tourist
Sam Frishman
- Status = Stanford M.E. PhD graduate
- Email = samuel9@stanford.edu, frishmansam@gmail.com
I completed my PhD in June 2021 in the department of mechanical engineering. I did my undergraduate studies at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore where I majored in mechanical engineering and minored in computer science. I grew up in Ames, Iowa.
Check out Sam Frishman's startup: https://www.meddevcorner.com
Research Interests
My work focuses on a teleoperated, force transparent manipulator for real-time image guided interventions. Details can be found here: Needle Manipulator
General research interests include:
- Medical Robotics
- Controls
- Computer Vision and Machine Learning
Frishman, Samuel, Robert D. Ings, Vipul Sheth, Bruce L. Daniel, and Mark R. Cutkosky. "Extending Reach Inside the MRI Bore: a 7-DOF, Low-Friction, Hydrostatic Teleoperator." IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics (2021).
Frishman, Samuel, et al. "Selectively Compliant Annuloplasty Ring to Enable Annular Dynamics in Mitral Valve Repair Evaluated by In-Vitro Stereovision." Frontiers in Biomedical Devices. Vol. 83549. ASME, 2020.
Frishman, S., Kight, A., Pirozzi, I., Coffey, M.C., Daniel, B.L. and Cutkosky, M.R., "Enabling In-Bore MRI Guided Biopsies with Force Feedback," IEEE Transactions on Haptics (2020) 10.1109/TOH.2020.2967375
Gruebele, A., Frishman S. and Cutkosky, M.R., "Long-stroke rolling diaphragm actuators for haptic display of forces in teleoperation," IEEE RA-Letters, 2019. (10.1109/LRA.2019.2894867)
Burkhard, N., Frishman, S., Gruebele, A., Whitney, J.P., Goldman, R., Daniel, B.L., Cutkosky, M.R., "A rolling-diaphragm hydrostatic transmission for remote MR-guided needle insertion," IEEE ICRA 2017 (pdf). Best Robotics Paper Finalist