2024-25 Lab Meetings
- See the Winter 2025 BDML Lab research meeting schedule for lab meeting details. Meetings are generally held 12:30--1:30pm PST every Friday in CDR (Bldg 560)
and on Zoom if we know that anybody wishes to participate remotely.
- For 2024-25 the Stanford Robotics and Autonomous Systems Seminar has been taken under the umbrella of the Stanford Robotics Center (SRC) with a new course number: ENGR 319
- As usual, it's one unit and if you miss more than one or two sessions you can get credit by watching a recorded session and sending in a short paragraph on what you learned.
- Time = 15:00-16:00 on Fridays in Packard 101, followed by SRC Happy Hour in Packard basement
BDML Google Calendar
Page last modified on March 07, 2025, at 12:15 PM