SummerHikesExcursions -- seems like it's time to start tabulating these options
2024 Summer Trip: Hoover Wilderness
- Trip Dates: August 22-25 2024
- Trip Planning Sheet: Julia's 2024 Gear spreadsheet
- Check out the trip blog here: CrownLake2024
2021 End (Middle) of Summer Trip
CrownPoint2021 - A retrospective and gallery with some photos from the trip in early August 2021.
After a COVID hiatus we are thinking to do it again this summer with everybody vaccinated. It has been a record dry year, so mosquitos should not be an issue earlier in the summer. On the other hand, water could be scarce unless we frequent lakes. Based on the Doodle Poll, the following periods are best:
- Most likely: Leave on Sunday, 1 Aug, spend nights of 1,2,3. Some could stay longer. Also, if we do a thing where we spend nights 2+3 in same location, a few could leave early if they must.
- Or leave on 27 July, spend nights of 27,28,29 return on 30th so Mark can attend his mother's birthday the next day. Some could stay another night if they don't have a constraint.
- Julia's Gear spreadsheet
Once again, there are fires. Hence we need some flexibility on locations. The various locations mentioned below are still possibilities.
At the moment Trinity Alps are not on fire or downwind of a big fire, so...
Right along the coast remains the only normal to below-normal area for temperatures
- Lost coast and King Range
- -- sounds like trail is not in good shape...
Eastern Sierra has relatively little timber (less to burn) and nice lakes. Main danger is smoke (depending on wind) and the roads getting there. See Hoover and Crown Lake below.
The planning tips from previous years below remain relevant. Mark still has all the same spare stuff as before.
2019 End of Summer Trip
We are thinking to do the Trinity Alps for real this year (assuming no repeat of last year's fires) -- Ooops: Trinity Middle Fire
- How about Emigrant or Lassen options? (see below)
- Stephanie's Spreadsheet of stuff to bring See also the lists of "Stuff to bring" below on this page.
- Tony has made a Doodle poll:
- Dates = 19-22 September (Thursday-Sunday, just before classes start)
- More details coming. For starters you could look at the Summer 2012 trip which was in Canyon Creek lakes area in the Trinity Alps. Nice trip! Some links:
2018: End of Summer

Stephanie catches the first fish of the trip
We went to Cinko lake. Got rained on, dusty, tired, sore -- and caught a bunch of crayfish and trout!
- Doodle poll:
- Thinking: Cinko Lake, Hoover Wilderness
- nearby peak-bagging opportunities: Tower Peak; Forsyth Peak
- Gear Inventory
2017: End of Summer
Postlude: A cool trip to Emigrant Wilderness packing out of Crabtree Camp near Pinecrest.
Hannah created a Google form for potential interested attendees. Please fill it out.
Possible itinerary (weekend of August 26)
- Leave Friday, find a place to camp near the road at destination. Get an early start on the trail on Saturday.
- note: need to get to ranger station by early afternoon for a wilderness permit
- Or... Leave early Sat morning. Get to trail in time to hike in a few miles to somewhere.
- In either case: return Monday evening.
![]() typical Lassen lake |
![]() typical Emigrant lake |
There are guide books and topo maps for both of these places:
- Emigrant Wilderness (4 hours)
- -- an interesting option for 1st day
- -- this is just one of many options
- Closest part of the high Sierras and considerably less crowded than Yosemite or Tahoe areas
- Bunch of nice lakes
- Don't need to get on I-80 at all
- Lassen (5+ hours)
- -- another one
- Cool volcanic stuff
- Not crowded & haven't been there for years
- Bunch of nice lakes
- Possible to take a day hike to Lassen peak
What to bring
List from Hannah. Also see the comparable lists from previous years, below
- Ample water (be able to hold at least 3 L at a time)
- Comfortable hiking boots + wool socks
- Pack (at least 50L)
- Sleeping bag
- Sleeping pad
- Tent (can share with others)
- Layers of clothing so you can adjust to different temperatures (can get cold in the mountains at night or even storm in the summer. Also it is a good rule of thumb to stay away from cottons as they get heavy and cold when they get wet)
- Hat / Sunglasses / Sunscreen
- Flashlight / headlamp
- Food (I personally like oatmeal for breakfast, then nuts, dried fruit, and salami during the day, and top ramen/couscous at night).
- Small personal first aid kit (matches, antiseptic, band aids, pocket knife, etc).
Nice to have / we can share:
- Water purifier
- Camera
- Camping stove / necessary silverware
- Bear canister or rope at bag to tie food up on tree
- MRC: Depending where we go it may be mandatory to have some bear canisters. They can be shared.
- Hand shovel / A bit of TP
- Extra underwear and socks
- Bug spray
- Swim suit
From Mark
For those doing the weekend backpack - I have the following extra items:
- 1 sleeping bag
- 1 two-person tent
- 1 internal-frame backpack (medium size)
- 4 foam pads
I can leave these in a cardboard box in the lab.
I also have lots of cookware, plates, etc. and a stove. We probably need 1 more stove.
I should be returning from MD thursday night. I probably won't have time to get all the food I would need... but I like everything if folks would pick up any extra noodles, cheese, couscous.
We will also need to get at least one more bear cannister (I have one) and somebody should check with Pinecrest about the permit situation. We are thinking Crabtree trailhead1st choice or maybe Leavitt Meadows (2nd choice, further drive).
2014: End of Summer
Photos from the trip:
When: 19-21 Sept
Possible itinerary:
- Depart not later than 09:00 Fri. Return Monday late afternoon or evening
- Friday: Drive to somewhere 4-5 hours. Eat some food; gear up; gentle backpack to 1st location to get altitude adjusted
- Need to allow time to stop at ranger station (1st come, 1st served permits)
- Saturday: Go somewhere a bit more isolated but not too far to get back on Monday?
- Sunday: Shed the packs and do a peak or a lake?
- Monday: pack out & head home
2Sept2014 MRC: I am inclining toward Hoover because (i) more dramatic (ii) more sparse vegetation so less risk of forest fires.
- High Emigrant Wilderness south of rt 108 (Sonora Pass) and north of Yosemite
- Advantages: Lots of lakes and not real crowded once you get off the Pacific Crest Trail
- Disadvantages: Can be a strenuous hike in if not careful about route (high elevation)
- Links for heading south from Sonora Pass:
- Carson Iceberg (north of Sonora Pass or south of rt 4 Ebbetts pass)
- Advantages: Really uncrowded area - maybe least populated in all central Sierras
- Disadvantages: Not many lakes. Also cows and cowpies in some areas due to historic lease holdings
- Links for Carson Iceberg
- Hoover Wilderness northeast of Yosemite
- Advantages: Some good lakes and spectacular scenery (see Crown Lake). Not crowded when off the main trails.
- Disadvantages: Longer drive (gotta go up over Sonora or Tioga Pass and approach from east side)
- Links for Hoover:
The outdoor center is closed for this weekend, so we need to find gear on our own
Mark the Younger: I can contribute:
- sleeping pad(s)
- sleeping bag(s)
- backpacking stove & fuel
- lots of water carrying capacity (~8 liters)
I need:
- a spot in a tent (but I'm down to sleep under the stars too)
Mark the Elder: Can contribute:
- sleeping pad(s) -- 3 or 4 spares
- backpacking stove and various cookware, plates, etc.
- water filter
- Extra 2 person tent (old school)
- Extra backpack (old school)
Matt Can contribute:
- Water filter
- small stove fuel
- Shovel for outdoors bathroom
- Compact .75 L pot for cooking
I need:
- Sleeping pad
- Tent (not opposed to sleeping outdoors)
Natalie Not sure if I can come or not- will see how the ankle's doing! Will have all my own gear; will be able to donate sleeping pad + bag if I'm not coming.
Eric I don't think I'll make it, but I can contribute:
- 3-person tent
- winter/backpacking sleeping bag
- summer sleeping bag
- camping mattresses
2012 End of summer
We went to the Trinity Alps north of San Francisco in the high coastal range.
23August updates:
- We have settled on Aug 31-Sep 3. Leave Friday morning, return Mon evening.
- Location = Trinity Alps (unless some disaster like a forest fire in the area). It's about 5.5 hours drive.
- Some useful links:
Doodle poll:
For reference, some previous end-of-summer pages with many links to good places to visit:
Nice pictures from 2007: