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Z-Man Project Web
Welcome to the Stanford wiki for the DARPA Z-Man project at the Stanford Biomimetics and Dexterous Manipulation Lab. This website is primarily intended as a shared electronic notebook for members of the research team, but visitors are welcome to peruse the public pages.
Complete Sitemap for the Zman web: ZmanTreeView
Areas of Interest
 Gecko-like Synthetic Adhesives |
Synthetic Dry Adhesives - MicroWedges -- a wedge shaped adhesive array manufactured using an SU-8 mold and PDMS cast material
- HierarchicalAdhesives -- multi-level adhesive structures that improve alignment and conformation to surfaces, increasing performance on rough surfaces and for large patch sizes
- OtherPrototypes?
- Need Inspiration? GeckoPics?
 Microspines for rough surface climbing |
Microspines for rough surfaces - RiSE? -- a hexapedal climbing robot that can be outfitted with various feet for climbing a variety of surfaces
- SpinyBot? -- the first robot platform to climb rough surfaces using microspines
- ManufacturingHome; a manufacturing process that uses repetitive material addition and removal to create complex multimaterial parts with the possibility to embed sensors or electronics
 Force sensing apparatus for testing sticky patches |
Experimental Test Setup and Experimental Data |
 StickyBot on a semi-smooth surface |
Test Platforms - StickyBot? -- a quadrapedal robot with peeling toes that can climb glass and semi-smooth surfaces using synthetic dry adhesives
- HangTesting?
 StickyBot on a semi-smooth surface |
Modeling and Analysis |
New Wedges
Contact Information
- Location: MERL Bldg. 660, Rm 132
- Lab phone: (650) 723-4258; conference speakerphone: (650) 723-2070
- Fax: 650-723-3521
- Map and directions?
Telecon Information
Meeting Information
* URL: pwd = zman
* Brainkeeper Page:
* Meeting ID: 96727863
* Name: Zman dry adhesive weekly web/telecon
*Creator: djc2079 (New_Meetings)
Teleconference: Cal in to 617-258-3023 (first person calling in should let it ring)
Agenda: Weekly progress conference for Zman. As discussed we'll rotate "major"
presentations among performers each week.
Draper Wiki:
- login = yourname&email
- pwd = yourpwd
Telecon 2010 OCt 14
Review Feb 2010
StanfordZmanFeb2010.ppt: slides from Cutkosky presentation Feb 2010
Telecon Oct. 29 2009
NoeSildes.pptx: Slides from Oct. 29 09 telecon
h3_inaction.avi: Hierarchy III in action
squeegees_inaction.avi: Squeegees in action video
Phase III Kickoff Presentation Draft - Sept 17 2009
ZmanPhaseIIIKickoff_23Sept09_vB.pptx: Presentation post group meeting --- Still need to clean up wording
ZmanPhaseIIIKickoff_23Sept09_vA.pptx: ZmanPhaseIIIKickoff _23Sept09_vA.pptx
Hier Journal Paper Draft - Aug 13 2009
HierarchDraft.pdf: Paper Draft for Soto and other remote users
11 August 2009:
- ZmanPhaseIIReport.pdf: Zman Phase II final technical report - this is a brief summary of the Activities, Findings and Publications from Phase II.
Phase 2/3 Slides and movies
Telecon April 09 2009
Example processing files and data
- Raw data files- There is a single file per test run
- Ideal Trajectory Files- Used by the controller to read the desired trajectory and by the processing script
Telecon Materials
Telecon March 25 2009
Bilayer (DPS + Wedges) Draper Test Video "curled material"
- Video_12.wmv: "video12" Hexapod testing with area split into three lines.
DraperLab - 18 Mar 2009
Bilayer (DPS + Wedges) Results
Opposed Spine mechanism
PreviousPage (as of Jan. 5, 2009)
Tri-Layer structure update
- 2009-02-23-2.5D-closeup.tif.tif: Closeup of the 2.5D structures. We suspect the mold we're using is getting a little old, which could explain the not-squared-off tips.
DraperLab - 25 Feb 2009
Q2 Zman review slides
Draper's slides for the spines task from the second quarterly review with DARPA
DraperLab - 11 Feb 2009
Clipping spines videos
Innovative ways to cut fishhooks, courtesy of the mechanical whizzes at Stanford who have been doing this for like 3 years now.
Prototype This! Climbing the wall:
A whole page has been made to share info for the force stage set up:
ForceStage (August 27)
pwd: zman
DraperLab - 11 Jul 2007
I uploaded these presentations for us to look over at today's telecon. - Will
Slides for telecon on 7/27/07 about toe design:
AlanAsbeck - 27 Jul 2007
07.27.07 Concept Review Slides
- will2.avi: Video to go with "L" Flexure concept (McFarland)
DraperLab - 27 Jul 2007
Stanford Prototyping progress as of 8/8/07:
DraperLab - 9 Aug 2007
- HumanClimbingMechanics.pptx: Results of a lit survey regarding how loads get re-distributed to the remaining contact points when a climber lifts one hand/arm to reach for a new hand/foot hold
DraperLab - 30 Aug 2007
Here are the files that the e-mail system choked on...
-- 5 Sept 2007
-- 19 Sept 2007
ZManOutsideTesting -- Success! People doing pull-ups outside on a real wall using 4 patches.
Equipment and Instruments